Profile number 101483

Bodywork company for passenger cars

20/05/2020 Date added

Located in

The Netherlands

Also interesting for this region (s)

All of the country

General information


Retail non-food

Type of company

Car dealer, service station

Legal entity

Foreign legal entity

Type of transaction

To be determined

Life phase enterprise

  • Starting
  • Growing
  • Full-grown

Employees in FTE

5 - 10

Type of buyer

  • MBI candidate
  • Investor

Financial information

Turnover last financial year

€ 250.000 - € 2.500.000

Asking price

€ 0 - € 2.500.000

Earnings before taxes

€ 0 - € > 5.000.000

Company history/background

For one of our clients, we are looking for a company that specializes in processing (repair, possibly upgrading) the body of passenger cars. The buyer aspires to further development of the sought-after company towards the (future) execution of custom orders, for the adaptation and upgrading (internal and external) of exclusive cars.

Important principles of the sought-after company are the current presence of knowledge, skills and experience in the field of bodywork on passenger cars, a good relationship network, a high-quality reputation. Flat organization of preferably dynamic and committed employees. Culture: transparent, ambitious and professional.

Transaction size to be determined.

Location: Qualitatively appropriate to ambition. Preferably Limburg, Germany or Belgium. Preferably a maximum of 50 kilometers from Maastricht.

Company activities

The buyer wants to apply existing knowledge, experience and affinity for automotive (international) through its own successful entrepreneurship and to acquire and expand its reputation for high-quality customization (embellishment / upgrade) of exclusive cars.

Unique selling points

The buyer has a large (international) network in the world of motorsport and automotive.


The buyer only wants to acquire a controlling interest. Preference for 100% shares. Asset transaction is possible.

Sufficient own resources available.

Bodywork company for passenger cars
The Netherlands
Retail non-food
To buy
250.000 - 2.500.000
0 - 2.500.000