Profile number 106389

Revolutionary AR Technology Startup - Movement Therapy for Children with Cancer

26/05/2023 Date added

Located in


General information



Type of company


Legal entity


Type of transaction

To be determined

Life phase enterprise


Employees in FTE

< 5

Type of buyer

  • MBI candidate
  • Strategic acquisition
  • Investor

Financial information

Turnover last financial year

€ 0 - € 100.000

Asking price

€ 0 - € 100.000

Earnings before taxes

€ 0 - € 100.000

Company history/background

Since its inception, the present company has established itself as a leading force in technology and innovation for movement therapy in children with cancer. With a unique vision to transform the healthcare landscape for children and address the challenges of traditional therapy, the company has been at the forefront of developing a revolutionary Augmented Reality (AR)-based application. Since then, it has garnered recognition and funding, successfully completing a series of tests and collaborations with clinics.

Company activities

The main activity of the company is the provision of its AR-based application for movement therapy. This app, known as "Serious Games," combines elements of real therapy in an interactive and playful environment that motivates children to perform their therapy exercises regularly and independently. Additionally, the company has established partnership relations with various clinics and continues to conduct tests and improvements on its solution.

Unique selling points

The unique selling point of the company lies in its unparalleled combination of technology and therapy. The AR-based application offers a groundbreaking solution to the traditional challenges of movement therapy. It not only transforms the way children learn and engage with their exercises but also creates a motivating and captivating environment that sustains their interest. Moreover, the company has gained media attention and recognition in the healthcare industry through its innovative approach. This combination of technological leadership and focus on such a crucial and sensitive health issue makes the company a one-of-a-kind player in the market.

Revolutionary AR Technology Startup - Movement Therapy for Children with Cancer
For sale
0 - 100.000
0 - 100.000